Saturday, January 2, 2010

Conversation about Foot ball - Basic

Vijay : Hello, Vijay! I visited your house yesterday.
You weren’t there. Where did you go?
Karthik : I went to see the football match between our school
and Brindavan school. I left home very early.
Vijay : How was the match? Was it interesting yesterday?
Karthik : The match started exactly at 5 pm. Our school played
well and scored the first goal before half time
immediately after, Brindavan School scored the
equalizer.Our school scored the winning goal in the
last minute and won the match.
Vijay : Oh! When did you reach home?
Karthik : I reached home very late.
Vijay : By the way who won the match last year?
Karthik : Even last year, our school won the match

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