Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bleeding Heart , Blessing in Disguise & Blood is Thicker than Water - Idioms with Example

Bleeding Heart

“Ravi is such a bleeding heart. He’ll donate to any charity that asks him for money!”

Meaning: an extremely soft-hearted person who feels compassion or pity towards all people, including those who may not deserve sympathy.
Origin: This controversial term comes from America in the 20th century. Some people say that government or private charities should do more to help relieve the suffering of the sick, the homeless, or the unemployed. These well-meaning citizens might be called “bleeding hearts” by others who feel that many people on welfare or charity should stop taking so much from others.

Blessing in Disguise

“We thought Summer school denied us holiday pleasures. But it proved to be a blessing in disguise. The next year we were ahead in our class.”

Meaning: something that at first seems bad but turns out to be good; a hidden benefit.
Origin: This saying was first used in a poem 200 years ago by a writer named James Hervey. When something looks like bad luck, it may turn out to be a false appearance.
(a “disguise”) that hides something that’s really useful or fortunate (a
“blessing”) of course, you don’t know that at first because the blessing is in disguise.

Blood is Thicker than Water

“Mrs. Ponni chose her grandson, instead of me to work in her store. I
guess blood is thicker than water”.

Meaning: one can expect more kindness from a family member than from a stranger; a person will do more for a relative than for anyone else.
Origin: This saying, that means that family ties count more than friendship, comes from Germany in the 12th century. Perhaps it comes from the idea that water can evaporate without leaving a trace, but blood leaves a stain and is more permanent. This suggests that relatives (“blood”) are more important (“thicker”) than people who are not related (“water”).

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