Sunday, November 8, 2009

Adjectives Words - List two

Adjectives connected with school/college subjects:

Easy   -   simple
Difficult   -   hard
Complicated   -   not simple
Detailed   -   in depth
Brief   -   short
Simplified   -   made simple
Exaggerated   -   overstated

to describe a little boy, we use adjective like:

Naught   -   mischievous
Honest   -   truthful
Active   -   lively
Sluggish   -   lazy
Smart   -   intelligent
Cute   -   attractive
Noisy   -   making a lot of noise
Irritating   -   annoying
Troublesome   -   causing nuisance
Well-groomed   -   well brought up with good manners
Pampered   -   too mush petted and spoilt

Adjectives connected with a city:

Famous   -   well known
Metropolitan   -   urban with people of different languages
Busy   -   active
Industrial   -   full of industries/factories
Commercial   -   full of trade activities
Ancient   -   old
Modern   -   latest
Crowded   -   thickly populated

Adjective words
Adjective word list 2
Adjective sentences
Adjective sentences list 2

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