Monday, June 21, 2010

Vocabulary - Horse Riding


meadow /‘med@U/ - grasslands

 gallop /‘g{l@p / - the movement of a horse when all the four feet are off the ground

whinnied /‘wInId/ - neighed softly

sweet temper /swi:t‘temp@/ - pleasant attitude

breaking - in /‘breIkIrNIn/ - the act of training and disciplining a horse

saddle /‘s{dl / - a leather seat for a rider on the horse

bridle /‘braIdl / - a set of leather bands attached to the reins

halter /‘hO:lt@/ - strap

harness /‘hA:nIs/ - a set of straps and metal pieces worn around the body and the head of a horse

stable /’steIbl/ - place where horses are kept

pony / ‘p@Um / - a type of small horse

mare /me@ / - a female horse

mane / mem / - the long hair on the neck of a horse

intuition / mtju:‘ISn/ -the ability to know something by your feelings

reins /remz/ -two leather straps that are fastened around a horse and held by the rider

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