Tuesday, July 6, 2010

English Glossary - Music

maestro /'maIstr@U/ - master of an art
excelled /Ik'seld / - became the best
rapture /'r{pt z @ / - great joy
compositions /kQmp@'zISnz/ - pieces of music
piano /pI'{n@U/ - a large musical instrument
violin / vaI@'lIn/ - a four stringed wooden
musical instrument
Bach and / ba:k/
Mozart / 'm@Utsa:t/ - famous music composers
stir / st@:/ - (here) lasting impact
concert / 'kQns@t / - a musical performance
pull oneself together - control oneself
symphony / 'sImf@nI / - a long piece of music written
for a large orchestra
enthralled / In'q rO:ld / - held one’s interest and
attention completely
operas / 'Qp@r@z/ - plays in which the actors sing
the words to music
orchestra / 'O:kIstr@ / - a large group of musicians
who play different musical
instruments together

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