Monday, May 23, 2011

Where to use - should and ought to - word


A. The modals ‘should’, ‘ought to’ are generally used to denote
obligation and probability.


* Giving advice or making a recommendation.

This bulb doesn’t burn; you should/ought to replace it with another.
You’ll be drenched if you go in the rain; you should/ought to
carry an umbrella.


We should use ‘should’ or ‘would’ and not ‘ought to’ when we give advice.

e.g. If I were you, I should/would accept that job in Malaysia.

* Probability

I enjoyed the lunch in this restaurant last week, so the dinner also should/ought to be good.

.* Responsibility / Duty

The students should/ought to respect their teachers.

B. The modals ‘must’ and ‘have to’ are used to denote compulsion,\ that is, when it is necessary to do something.

If you want to be sure of your ticket to Mumbai, you must / have to book in advance.
2. To secure a seat in medicine, you must / have to work
hard throughout the year.


A subtle difference between ‘must’ and ‘have to’ need to be understood.
You have to meet the warden (the warden has already called
You must meet the warden (If you want a change of room).

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