Monday, June 28, 2010

English essay for children - Green revolution

For many years after we got our independence, food
production went on decreasing steadily. This was mainly because
of drought and floods, and neglect of agriculture during the first
three Five - Year plan periods. Population also increased at a high

A great improvement was made in agriculture in 1967 - 68.
It is popularly known as the ‘Green Revolution’. The farmers now
follow new methods of farming. One such is the Japanese method
of cultivation. New high - yielding varieties of rice, wheat and
other grains have been developed in our Research Institutes.

These new strains need more water and more fertilisers than
the old ones. So, large irrigation facilities have been made. New
dams have been built and canals dug. Pump - sets have been erected
by the farmers for irrigation. Fertilisers are produced in factories
in large quantities. Tractors, harvesters, and threshers are also used.
All this has greatly increased food production in our country.
We no longer need to import food grain from foreign countries.

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