Monday, June 28, 2010

English learning activities - conversation exercise - choosing the correct sentence

The following is the conversation between Rohit and the
potter. Complete the conversation by fitting in the potter’s
responses appropriately. The responses of the potter are given

Rohit : What are the materials
and tools needed for pottery?
Potter : ......................................
Rohit : How do you get the clay?
Potter : ......................................
Rohit : What will you do with the clay?
Potter : ................................................
Rohit : Will you get the pot
by just rotating the wheel?
Potter : .....................................
Rohit : What do you do with the wet pot?
Potter : .................................................
Rohit : Is it the last stage?
Potter : ......................................................
Rohit : What else does one need to make pots?
Potter : ………………………….

The list of answer

1. No, we design the pot.
2. We put the clay on the axis of the wheel and rotate it.
3. We need clay, water, potter’s wheel and kiln.
4. By sieving soil, we get fine silt. Adding water to the silt
we get clay.
5. We bake the wet pot in the kiln.
6. Yes, it is the final step.
7. One needs patience, hard work and craftsmanship.
Note: Refer to the dictionary for the meanings of technical terms
used in this dialogue.

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